Our EAP staff knows that your employees are your most valuable asset. Not only do we understand that you care about your employees’ well-being, we also understand that when employees face personal issues, it can have a direct impact on your business. Therefore, the EAP is a great benefit for employees, and also a valuable business strategy that proves to consistently yield high returns for the sponsoring organization.
When you consider profit loss due to employee time off for personal issues, or the time and expense it takes to replace valuable employees, you will find, as have so many other companies, that EAP provides an enormous return on your investment.
All program models can include the following support services:
On-Call Accessibility 24 Hours a Day: Professional assistance from one of our staff EAP counselors is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week for emergency calls.
On-Site Presentations: We provide on-site EAP Orientation sessions, where we present information to employees about our services.
Management EAP Referrals: Our experience shows that 85% of our clients use EAP services before a personal problem significantly interferes with their job performance. Where work performance has already been negatively impacted, supervisors and managers have a way to intervene with a confidential, supportive referral to EAP.
Manager/Supervisor Training: We offer training programs for supervisors that cover everything from how to identify troubled employees, to how to conduct a corrective-action interview.
Management Coaching: At any time, the EAP staff will provide expert coaching and consultation regarding communication techniques, conflict resolution, or motivation issues.
Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Services: The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires alcohol and drug testing for all employers and employees holding Certified Drivers Licenses (CDL). Our EAP counselors provide DOT qualified substance abuse assessment services, treatment compliance management, and return to work assessments for employees referred as a result of a DOT policy violation.
Drug-Free Workplace: EAP can help you create and maintain a drug-free environment at work. We offer expert development of drug and alcohol policies and the assessment and monitoring of employees referred to us with substance abuse problems for up to twelve months to assure successful results.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: Our EAP counselors offer on-site counseling in the event of a traumatic incident at the workplace, such as an injury or fatality.
Professional Development and Personal Growth Seminars: EAP staff and community professionals offer seminars such as: Anger Management, Assertiveness Training, Conflict Resolution, Coping with Grief and Loss, Effective Listening, Supervisor Training, Parenting Teens, Preventing Job Burnout, and Stress Management.
EAP Promotional Materials: So employees remain aware of our services, we provide a large assortment of promotional materials including brochures, wallet cards, posters and monthly newsletters.
Referral Procedures: Sometimes the need arises where an employee or family member may require additional help beyond our program’s benefits. In this case, it is our policy to refer clients to credentialed, experienced, and affordable providers.
Follow-Up Procedures: We will follow up with clients who use our services by telephone or mail back survey.
Utilization Reports: Annual and semi-annual utilization reports are provided. Quarterly reports can be provided if requested.